Gebang leaf is one of Indonesia's natural wealth that can be used for various kinds of creative industries, such as handicrafts in the form of bags, wallets, hats and so on. One area that is the center of the agel-based handicraft industry is Sentolo District, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. One of the craftsmen from agel fiber is Mrs. Sartini with the business name Alfin Craft located in Giling Village, Tuksono,

Sentolo, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. Mrs. Sartini is able to produce 300 to 500 handicrafts for one month. The average income earned by Mrs. Sartini for 1 month is Rp. 9,000,000.00. In the processing, Mrs. Sartini did it step by step manually. Starting from the stage of separating the gebang leaves from the sticks, then they are mashed, dried, colored, and made crafts. Processes that are done manually often cause various problems. One problem that becomes an obstacle is the drying process. According to Mrs. Sartini, if the weather is sunny, the drying process using sunlight produces 5 kg of gel every day. If the weather is cloudy or rainy, it takes 4-5 days to dry 5 kg of agel. This resulted in delays in the production of agel which affected the processing time of the craft to be longer than it should be, so that the number of goods produced and the profits obtained decreased by 72%.

Based on these problems, we from the PKM-PI team at Yogyakarta State University will implement a dryer with automatic dye called the Automatic Agel Drying Machine. This machine has an even heating system on all sides and an automatic rotating system with a gas stove as the heat source, so that it is able to produce agel with even dryness. With this drying machine, the drying time of the gel can be shortened, which is 2-3 hours. This drying machine is also equipped with automatic dyes, so that the agel can be colored automatically so that it produces colored agel that is ready to be woven into handicrafts.

With the implementation of this Agel drying machine, partners can increase their production without being constrained by the drying process as well as coloring and increasing turnover with an increasingly practical working system.

PKM-PI is guided by Bp. Surono, S.Pd., M.Pd. which consists of Aji Pamungkas (Manufacturing Engineering/Chairman), Annisa Alimah Ufairoh (Pend. Physics/Member 1), Laatifah (Physics/Member 2), Khakam Ma'ruf (Pend. Mechanical Engineering/Member 3), Hangesti Arum Nuranisa (Management /Member 4)