During a pandemic like this, offline activities must be limited or even stopped. Even so, it does not limit students to continue to explore their abilities and hone foreign language skills, especially English. As was the case with an undergraduate student in Manufacturing Engineering, Khaerana Mutahara Kassyaf from Yogyakarta State University.
The national scale competition organized by the English Student Association FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret under the name ESA'S FAIR 18th 2021 includes 2 competitions, namely Essay Writing and Storytelling. In the field of Storytelling, Khaerana managed to get the third place title from 48 participants and 29 universities in Indonesia. This competition is held in 2 batches or waves. The first batch will be held on May 1 to 4, 2021. Participants will bring one story, whether it's a domestic or foreign legend, or a participant's daily story. Then the participants send a performance video to the committee which will later be uploaded via the ESA FKIP UNS youtube channel. Here Khaerana brings folklore from South Korea, namely "Princess Pyeonggang and Idiot Ondal".
According to Khaerana, the selection of the story was based on several considerations, firstly the story was not presented by other participants so that it could be an added value, both stories have unique and complex storylines that allow Khaerana to explore the story and each character more deeply. The next is the story "Princess Pyeonggang and Idiot Ondal" which has the message "don't look down on others and keep trying to be the best you can be". This is the message that Khaerana wants to convey to the audience, because it is considered very in line and can be applied in today's life.
“In bringing this story, I focused on my pronunciation and acting. Obviously because pronounciation is one of the important aspects that judges how good my English skills are. The second is my acting and the appreciation of each character so that every emotion in the story can be conveyed well to the audience."
“I feel like the character I should highlight is Princess Pyeonggang because she is the main character in this story. This character has a fairly complicated desire, namely wanting to marry Ondal who is famous as a ragged beggar even though he is a princess. On the one hand, it turns out that he married not solely out of love, but wanted to help Ondal to continue to learn and be the best so that finally Ondal could become a famous general and be loved by the people. That's what I admire in this story. I feel that this is what the audience should take from the story I bring, because I really want to bring a story that is useful for the audience who listens to my story,” said Khaerana.
It is hoped that with this achievement, students can continue to be enthusiastic in their work and hone their English skills in a more enjoyable way, realize that English language skills are not only based on books and writing, and are motivated to contribute to English language competitions even in a pandemic. like this time.

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