The 57th Anniversary of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) which took place in the Main Meeting Room (RSU) on Thursday, May 21, was lively attended by elements of UNY leadership such as the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Deans of Faculties, Head of Institutions, Director of Postgraduates, Head of Bureau and also attended by the Minister of Villages, Disadvantaged Villages Development (PDT) and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr (HC) H. Abdul Halim Iskandar, M.Pd., Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Nadiem Anwar Makarim as Minister of Education , culture, research, and technology also gave an online speech at this ceremony.

One of the agendas in the 57th Anniversary ceremony is the awarding of Satyalancana to several lecturers who have served for 40 years and several outstanding lecturers who have made the name of UNY proud. For this time, the number of lecturers who received the Satyalancana charter were 40 people and 28 outstanding lecturers.

Several Lecturers with the title of Professor (Professor) who received the Satyalancana this time include: Prof. Dr. Moh Farozin, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Achmad Dardiri, M. Hum., Prof. Hj. Suwarsih Madya, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Suharti, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Boerhan Nurgiyantoro, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Trie Hartiti Retnowati, M.Pd.,Prof. Dr. Suhardi, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Drs. Suminto A Sayuti, Prof. Dr. Zamzani, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. I Gusti Putu Suryadarma, M.S., Prof. Dr. Suparwoto, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Bambang Subali, M.S., Prof. Dr. Jumadi, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Mundilarto, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Nurfina Aznam, S.U., Prof. Dr. Believer, Prof. Sutarto, M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Thomas Sukardi, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Kartowagiran, M. Pd., Prof. Dr. Sudji Munadi, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Herminanto Sofyan, M.Pd., Prof. Pardjono, M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, M.Pd., Prof. Sukardi, M.Ed., M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. FX. Sugiyanto, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Suyanto, M.Ed., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Nahiyah Jaidi, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Muhyadi.

The names for outstanding lecturers include: Dr. eng. Ir. Didik Nurhidayanto, M.T., Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro, S.Pd., M.PD., Ph.D., Dr. Mukhamad Murdiono, S.Pd., M.Pd., Kismiantini, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., Dyna Herlina Suwarto, SE., M.Sc., Endra Murti Sagoro, S.Pd. , SE, M.Sc., Bayu Rahmat Setiadi, S.Pd., M.Pd., Wisnu Nugroho, S.Pd., M.Pd., Riana Nurhayati, S.PD., M.Pd.

Award certificates for Lecturers who received the Satylancana and outstanding lecturers were given directly by the Chancellor of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto., M.Kes., accompanied by the Head of the General Bureau, Planning and Finance (BUPK) Sukirjo., M.Pd., and for outstanding lecturers, a certain amount of coaching money is also given.